Hammondville Public School

Truth and Honour

Telephone02 9825 3948


Class 1/2R

Welcome to 1/2R's class page. We are excited to share with you some of the amazing learning experiences that we get to be involved in at Hammondville Public School!




TEN groups

Here we are taking part in our daily TEN group activities. Evereyday we enjoy using our addition and subtraction strategies to solve problems and work out sums.

We use our learning goals to help us to discover what skills we are already good at and what skills we need to work on in order to move up in TEN groups.

TEN groups (docx 3064 KB)


Transport Incusion- Thursday 19th March, 2015.

1/2R enjoyed the opportunity to have a look at, touch and ask many questions about the types of transport that were brought to the school on Thursday (Term 1, Week 8).

We got to have a look at a van, Harley Davidson motorbike, dirtbikes, a canoe, a tandem bike, a tricycle, a taxi and 3 vintage cars.

We would like to thank the volunteers from the community for offering their time and great modes of transport. It was a great learning experience!!

Transport Incursion (docx 9383 KB)