Ancient Egypt Day
What a great way to end such a busy term. After all of our studies on the Ancient Egyptian culture, Stage 2 participated in a fun day which saw them make canopic jars, Egyptian jewellery and pyramids.
We began with a costume parade. It was wonderful to see so many children make the effort to dress up for the day. There were fantastic home-made and store-bought costumes. We did some singing and dancing, followed by our rotating craft activities throughout the remainder of the day.
The children thoroughly enjoyed the day and were able to take home some wonderful creations.
Welcome back to Term Two.
During the holidays, 3/4JP became the proud parents of a moth! On the second Thursday of the holidays, our silkworm emerged from it's cocoon. It was released into a safe place in Mrs Peroni's garden to live out it's expected 3-4 day life span.
Over the weekend, our silkworm spun itself into a beautiful cocoon. The children were excited to see the colours and textures of the silk.
Our silkworm has been very well looked after this term. He has grown to a good size and we are hoping that he starts to spin his cocoon any day now. Thank you to the families that have supplied us with mulberry leaves over the past month.