Hammondville Public School

Truth and Honour

Telephone02 9825 3948


6 Blue

6 Blue

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday-Mrs Waugh                             Thursday, Friday-Mrs Smith


During Semester One we have learnt to use the laptops to access the applications of Google Suite. 6 Blue love using Google classrooms as a way of communicating with our fellow class members and responding to questions, surveys, and assignments set by the teacher. They have been learning to collaborate using google documents and in small groups they completed a research project for science on plant and animal adaptations. Students then used google slides to create a two minute presentation to share with the class and produced some amazing results. Finally they responded to the google form set by Mrs Waugh to share feedback on how their group was progressing during the process. The students have become very competent using this technological learning platform and have demonstrated a high level of engagement during the lessons. 




Another activity 6 Blue really enjoys is our buddy time with K Green each Wednesday afternoon. Each year 6 student has a Kindergarten buddy that they work with for the whole year. This is a wonderful program to develop leadership for the year 6 students, while also providing the younger students with a mentor and friend to relate to in the wider school setting. We complete a variety of activities with our buddies including Literacy, Numeracy, technology, art and craft as well as PDHPE and fitness activities. 


















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